C# Programming

C Sharp (C#) Programming

Working with Console Class (Input and Output), Learn how to use C# Data Types and Variables, Learn about Data Type Conversions, Working with Operators, Creating Conditional and Looping Constructs, working with Arrays, Implementing Methods and Parameters, How to use Named and Optional Parameters, Explain the Difference between Value Types and Reference Types, Learn how to implement String and Date Type Handling Functions

Object Oriented Programming

Creating Class and Object, Explore OOP Features with examples,Working with Constructor and Destructor, Learn about Modifiers and Access Specifiers, Learn how to use Abstract Class and Interface, Developing Class libraries, Using Exception Handling, Working with File I/O Operations

C# Advanced Features

Working with Delegates and Events, Creating Collections and Generics, Learn about Language Integrated Query (LINQ), Create Private and Shared Assemblies, Var keyword, Lambda Expressions, Collection Initializer, Anonymous Type, Explore Dynamic Types and DLR, Creating Processes, Threading and Multi-Threaded Application, Create and implement XML Serialization






C# Sharp Dot Net Training Courses Calicut